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Blogs have themes.

This blog should be about wisdom, the kinds of things learned painfully. It is supposed to be written to give emphasis to experiences when others have them too. It is part of my learning to distill those lessons to carefully worded articles. Doing this is wisdom in its act as well as its presentation.

Blogs that I read are usually about analysis of current events, either personal or political, and I am drawn to emulate them. It's far easier to follow, especially in mindset. The road is well travelled and wide with the efforts of others to be unique. Such blogs can become popular, which this one can never be. They are living beings, as this one is an autopsy.

There are posts I have made to this blog which violate the theme. They will remain. I refuse to delete. I have flunked classes, but never cheated. The grade might have only been a 50, but all 50 of those points were mine.

Making pretty, like making nice, has a cost that compounds with interest. A facade protects us and isolates us. I have plenty of protection in this blog just by being boring.

Please skip the "Short and Quick Thought". Let "Found It" be invisible. No one knows how to calculate inertia, but one should always be mindful that it exists. I'll make another blog for this kind of easier and more exciting thing.

Porky Pig is happier these days. He loves bad fauxtography.

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